Sunday, December 29, 2013

[FINISHED] Vocabulary review #3


Rhythmregular, repeated pattern of movement or sound

Directional Movement A principle of visual movement in artworks, which can be carried by line, dots, marks, shapes, patterns, color, and other

Proportion / Scalea principle of art that describes the size, location or amount of one element to another element

Balancea sense of stability in the body of work. Balance can be created by repeating same shapes and by creating a feeling of equal weight.

Unity the common arrangement of a group of objects or their common characteristics such as color, size, shape etc but this does not mean they are necessarily identical (wholeness) 

Harmony What looks good together? Color relationships, composition, symmetry.

Contrast show differences when compared, opposition. 

Emphasis (Focal Point / Center of interest) - the main subject of your piece. 

[FINISHED] Vocabulary Review #2

Elements of Art / Design
  • Line - mark that spans a distance between two points 
  • Shape - enclosed space
  • Form -external appearance & Volume - The space that a object or figure fills
  • Color - element that is produced when light, striking an object, is reflected back to the eye.
  • Value/Tone -  is a quality of color/ shade of color
  • Texture - the visual and especially tactile quality of a surface
  • Space - distances or areas around, between or within components of a piece.
  • Perspective - the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Power outage

We have power outage today for about 10 minute so I lost the work I did from the beginning of the class up until that point but today I work on the apple.

apple in progress, but I get to see the the scene move at 200 frames a second (?) today

Friday, December 13, 2013


We started the light probe thing in class today and I don't really get it (and so majority of the class)
This is my first attempt which doesn't look too well but I'll ask for help next class. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Light saber Day 2

Continue working on the light saber today. Discover that I make mistake of beveling everything instead of just the horizontal edge I have to o back to square one, but I caught back up pretty fast

almost half way there

Thursday, December 5, 2013

add on to the last blog

After I fail to understand the phaser tutorial I decide to switch to the light saber and I accomplish the Emitter matrix parts, which wasn't much but at least it a progress.


Today we were introduce to the light saber project so we suppose to start by collecting image of light saber and we have a mini IB meeting to see what everyone is working on and I was reminded of the phaser project which I think I will do

and there only 9 class left!?!?!?!??! it go by so fast

but here are the light saber pictures

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Cornell is gone T - T

Mr. Cornell is absence today  so we have a sub. admittedly I kind of stacking this class. I know I'm suppose to be working on the render, but instead I go on YouTube and found a sword tutorial instead

This tutorial is quite difficult to follow so I didn't progress much.
I'll save this as side project.