Sunday, December 29, 2013

[FINISHED] Vocabulary review #3


Rhythmregular, repeated pattern of movement or sound

Directional Movement A principle of visual movement in artworks, which can be carried by line, dots, marks, shapes, patterns, color, and other

Proportion / Scalea principle of art that describes the size, location or amount of one element to another element

Balancea sense of stability in the body of work. Balance can be created by repeating same shapes and by creating a feeling of equal weight.

Unity the common arrangement of a group of objects or their common characteristics such as color, size, shape etc but this does not mean they are necessarily identical (wholeness) 

Harmony What looks good together? Color relationships, composition, symmetry.

Contrast show differences when compared, opposition. 

Emphasis (Focal Point / Center of interest) - the main subject of your piece. 

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